Salon Locator

Our Opening Hours

Our salon locator will tell you exactly where to find us and when we are open. We are open seven days a week and there is no need to book an appointment because we love walk-ins.

The last sunbed is 20 minutes before closing:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 8pm
Saturday: 9am to 7pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays: 10am* to 6pm *(From 3rd March to 29th September we will be opening from 9am on Sundays)

25% off sunbeds on Sundays

*For pay-as-you-go individual sessions and clients with pre-paid courses.
If you use your pre-paid course on a Sunday, you still benefit from the 25% off user deal:
For example: an 8 minute session uses only 6 minutes of your pre-paid course, resulting in a double saving

The Tanning Centre
25 Freshwater Parade, Bishopric,

Horsham RH12 1QD

Tel: 01403 262555